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Mystic Devices


Mystic Devices by Maynard GlassIn this explosive account of secret societies and on-going cover-ups, Maynard Glass reveals the most unlikely culprits in some of the most atrocious wrongdoings in 20th century history. A compilation of unwritten and unreleased research, ‘Mystic Devices, examines how bodies as obscure as the Church of the Rosicrucians influence the society that we live in. In addition to discussing underground networks and conspiracy theories, he’s likely to raise all sorts of other suspicious questions you always wanted the answer to.

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Mystic Devices: About The Author


Having been born in the small Welsh town of Brynsiencyn on October 12th 1955, Maynard Glass was forever fascinated with the supernatural and occult. Every night before he was tucked into bed, Maynard was enthralled by his Grandfather’s traditional stories. These myths of Druids that had once walked the nearby countryside, healing, ailing and concocting would forever impact Maynard. Weekends as a youth were spent retracing those footprints and pondering new ones most often at the nearby Bodowyr Burial Chamber, a structure not 10 km away and eerily similar to Stonehenge. Maynard excelled in all school subjects but found himself specifically drawn to history and religion in his spare time. He was the youngest in his graduating class and his intense fascination earned him a scholarship in Theology and medieval history at Oxford.

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